Where To Get Tax Advice For Your Home Based Business

You’re a home based business making money as a freelancer, an affiliate marketer or a professional such as a contractor. Perhaps you’ve got a corporate business downtown. You may be wanting to learn the true worth of a business, so it’s important to understand what financial statements are.

While all …

How To Make This Easy DIY Self-Watering Plant System

You love your plants, how they look, smell, and the character they add to your room. So what you have are numerous potted plants around the house. You also enjoy your occasional “green thumb” abilities when you have the time. Although you also love the look of dried flowers in …

How To Handle Food At Home To Avoid Potential Food Poisoning

There are millions annually, who’ll get sick unnecessarily from food borne bacteria and viruses, which can be avoided. The most vulnerable being children under six, seniors over sixty, those with weakened immune systems, and women who are pregnant. The cause is because of improper food handling, especially in warmer weather. …

9 Cleaning Rituals To Remove Negative Energy From Home

Spring has finally sprung, as the weather is finally warming up. The enclosed areas in the home, especially in colder weather, has been bottled up with negative energy, which needs to be removed as the summer weather arrives.

It can’t been seen but definitely felt, as the energy in the …